Kids Fighting

comiCSS cartoon for April 8, 2024

Alvaro Montoro


I like how this cartoon came along. I am still playing with different panel layouts; I like the idea of having one larger panel without a border. The middle panel was inspired by a stock drawing (linked in the source code).

This cartoon is one of my favorites at comiCSS –even when it’s not my drawing style–, and it was a lot of fun to code.

Comic with 5 panels showing two kids who start to fight yelling at each other ‘display:grid’ and ‘display:flex’. Their angry mother stops them by saying ‘animation: none !important’, and the separates them by saying ‘justify-content: space-between !important’



Alvaro Montoro

Full-Stack Software Engineer, Mobile Developer, Web technologies enthusiast. CSS aficionado. Twitter: @alvaro_montoro